INSTITUTIONAL ASSET MANAGERS use our time-tested risk models to identify, measure and control risk as part of their portfolio construction process. Optimization and Risk Reporting are available directly from Northfield or through one of our distribution partners.

PENSION FUND ASSET OWNERS, BANKS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES use our Total Fund Risk services either directly or indirectly through our partners. At the center of our Total Risk offering is Northfield’s Everything Everywhere Risk model which covers marketable securities traded globally, structured fixed income, derivatives and all the alternative asset classes. Our competitive advantage is our bottom-up granular approach to modeling all the asset classes in a single factor model framework with short, medium and long term risk forecasts.

WEALTH MANAGEMENT COMPANIES use our risk models and tax optimization technology firm-wide to measure and control portfolio tax, risk and return impact.

With over 200 clients using Northfield services globally we strive to be a preferred partner for asset managers and asset owners.

Call Northfield at 617-208-2050 for a demo of our services either from one of our sales team members or through one of our distribution partners.